Wednesday Poker Near Me
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Given that there were so many old listings, only listings from users who have logged into the site over the last 3 years will be shown. Lara started the company 14 years ago as West LA Poker; a retail store and Dealer Academy. It soon morphed into one of the most requested poker providers in LA and the rest is history. Married for 24 years, Lara splits her time between travel, several spoiled pets and of course, playing a lot of poker.
Wednesday Poker Near Me Current

Wednesday Night Poker Near Me

- ♠ ♥ From $3/$6 Texas Hold‘em to $3 – $300 spread, you’ll find a game that fits your style AND your bankroll. Our “standard” house game is $2-$10 Spread Texas Hold’em but we offer other games and limits as well.
- See Poker Room Supervisor for details.
Tournaments are played according to posted Poker Room Tournament Rules.
Ask our friendly Poker Staff for details about any of our events!
Poker Room phone #: 1-360-598-8775.Morning 11am Tourney Event Daily (except Tuesday)!
That’s right! Every day (with the exception of Tuesday) at 11:00am we’ve got cards in the air!
Now there’s a reason to get up in the morning.Details >
It’s just a $40* Entry/Buy-In for 6000 tournament chips.
15 minute rounds with re-entry available through the first 3 rounds.* See Poker Room for complete details on break down of buy-in and entry fees.
Hot Seat Multiplier!
Every day but Tuesdays & Fridays.
The more games in play the more you can win!Details >
On days and at times posted in the Poker Room seat tiles are drawn for your chance to drop the puck in our Hot Seat Multiplier game. Win whatever amount your puck drops in to. But wait, there’s more! The more games in play, the more you win. Multiply your win by the number of games running!
$40 Entry
Wednesdays at 6pm
Re-enter at half price
Pot SPLASHED with 3x Big Blind whenever a player is knocked outDetails >
Signups start at 4pm
Seated players get preference
Please see OFFICIAL RULES for details, qualifications and limitations* See Poker Room for complete details on break down of buy-in and entry fees.Freaky Friday! in the Poker Room!
On ALL LIVE Texas Hold’Em Games
Details >From opening until 6pm:
$100 HIGH HANDS every hour From 6pm until 10pm:
One Card Jackpots From 10pm until 2am:
Jackpots DOUBLEDOWN ALL LIVE Texas Hold’Em Games
Ask a friendly staff member and see posted rules for details!Add to the fun with Player Supported Jackpots!
Qualified hands can win big – just watch the jackpot board!
Details >Royal Flush – poker hand with an Ace, King, Queen , Jack and 10 of the same suit. This is available for spades, hearts, clubs and diamonds!
Steel Wheel – poker hand with Ace, Deuce, Trey, Four, and Five all in the same suit
Straight Flush– poker hand with 5 consecutively numbered cards all in the same suit.
Double Jackpot – On posted days and times, certain jackpots will be paid at double the posted amount.
One Card Jackpot –On posted days and times, only one hold card will be needed to qualify for quads and the Straight Flush. Royal Flush is usually not included.Visit the Poker Room for details about any of these exciting ways to win. Complete rules are posted.
Ask our friendly Poker Staff for details about any of our tournaments!
☎ Contact the Poker Room: (360) 598-8775- 20 Minute Rounds
- 70 players on average
- Prize pool averages 6K to 8K
- Complimentary meal served in poker room @10AM
SMALL BIG 100 100 100 200 200 400 300 600 500 1000 800 1600 1000 2000 1500 3000 2000 4000 3000 6000 5000 10,000 8000 16,000 10,000 20,000 15,000 30,000 20000 40000 30,000 60,000 50,000 10,0000 75,000 150,000