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How to Play Craps. Craps Lessons & Practice. Last update: June 2020. Craps is one of the bet bets in the casino. The house edge is a mere 1.41%, which is four times better than roulette, and several times better than most slot machines. Statistically, online blackjack and craps have the lowest house edge in the casino. But for large payouts, you can find unique casino games that award special bonuses for hitting certain hands. Some online casinos even have progressive table games where a linked jackpot can pay out millions. If you want to brush up on all the specialised craps terms, then read through them in our craps terms article which will help you out when playing the game and chatting with other players online. It offers the chance to win big too and for these reasons, is not the kind of game one would want to learn the ropes to as he/she goes along; at least.
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The Basics of Craps

To begin a round of craps, the shooter (the person with the dice) makes a come-out roll. If the initial roll is a seven or eleven (known as a “natural”), anyone who wagered on the “Pass Line” wins (with “Don’t Pass” bets losing).
If the first roll results in a two, three, or twelve, then anyone who bet on the “Don’t Pass Line” wins or, in the case of a twelve, has their wager pushed (with the “Pass Line” losing).
When the result is any other number, this becomes the “point.” The shooter then continues to roll, and his objective is to get the point again before a seven is rolled. Pass bets will win if he is successful, while Don’t Pass wagers are paid for unsuccessful attempts.
The first time you play free online craps, it may feel as though you’re competing in a game from another planet.
With numerous betting options and a fast pace, craps have a different feel from other casino games like video poker or blackjack. Craps can be learned easily through a bit of practice and patience.
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Advantages of Free Online Craps

Playing free online craps has several advantages. Some of these include:
Quiet – While some might view the lack of crowd interaction as a negative, it can actually be beneficial to those who are still learning the basics of the game.
Solo Play – Another advantage of playing solo is the ability to move at your own pace and consult a crib sheet without getting embarrassed. If you’re unfamiliar with the game, this can be a major benefit.
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Free – This one is a no-brainer, as free online craps doesn’t cost anything to play. If you’re going to sharpen your skills, why not do it when there isn’t money on the line? If you’re the type who likes to play in land-based casinos, online craps will also save you money on gas, hotel accommodations, and airfare.
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Convenience – Playing online is more convenient than visiting a land-based casino, as all the games are only a click away. You won’t have to deal with casino patrons, many of whom seem to have forgotten all about social graces. There’s also the convenience of not having to walk around with a wad of cash, as all your funds are kept online and managed by the casino software.
Jugar Craps Online Game
Once you’ve honed your skills at the free table, you’ll be ready to graduate to low or high limit craps. For now, let’s focus on the many versions of free craps.