Cmdh Slot Request Form

  • Recommendations on contacts with Representative Organisations(March 2017) [Track version]

Meeting with Interested Parties - 11 November 2020

  • Time Slot Request Form Thank you for your interest in cablecasting your 28- or 58-minute program on one of MNN's channels! Please submit this form if you have a completed program that you would like to have scheduled on one of MNN’s channels.
  • For an arrival slot request, there is NO blank between action code and flight number. The scheduled time of arrival (STA) is stated without a blank after the airport of origin. Departure slot Format N ABC5678 09FEB09FEB 0019 1200LNZ C For a departure slot request, there HAS TO BE a blank between the action code and the flight.
  • Form 18 Request to Release Information: PDF: Form 18R Request to Release Information (Registration Applications Only) PDF: Form 19 Application for Enrollment as an Agent: PDF: Form 20 Source and Application of Funds (Restricted Gaming License only) PDF: Form 21 Application to Transfer Interest: PDF: Form 27 3.015(2) Additional.

Request form for applications via the MRP with Portugal RMS Request form for applications via the MRP with Portugal RMS following CMDh recommendation adopted in October 2015 The Appendix 1 of the request must be filled and submitted along with the Request form. Request for time slot for applications via the DCP with Portugal as RMS. Aviation Slot Clearance Request/Reply (GCR)” found in the Annexes A and B respectively. 3.2 Operators or agents of non-scheduled, commercial and non-commercial, flights shall submit their slot requests to the Changi Slot Coordinator no earlier than 7 calendar days.

  • Presentations
    Vaccines Europe - COVID-19 Vaccines EMA regulatory pathway and options for national emergency use;
    EFPIA - COVID-19 regulatory flexibilities survey;
    CMDh - Reference safety information;
    Medicines for Europe - Multilingual/Multinational Labelling;
    CMDh Multilingual Packaging Group update;
    AESGP - Splitting of MRP/DCP;

Meeting with Interested Parties - 27 May 2020

  • Presentations
    EFPIA - COVID user testing guidance
    EuropaBio - nitrosamine impurities and data submissions
    IE - CMDh update on Multilingual Packaging Group for IP meeting
    Medicines for Europe - RSI position paper
    Medicines for Europe - COVID
    Medicines for Europe - Multilingual - May 2020 BS
    Vaccines Europe - MDR

Meeting with Interested parties - 13 November 2019

  • Presentations
    AESGP - Results of the 2019 AESGP Survey on MRP-DCP for non-prescription medicines;
    Medicines for Europe / EFPIA / AESGP - Presentation;
    Medicines for Europe / EFPIA - Multilingual labelling - Practise across Europe;
    CMDh - Brexit update;
    CMDh - BPG on Multilingual Packaging;
    CMDh - Harmonisation of RMP Project (HaRP): CMDh project to harmonise RMPs of products with the same active substance - State of the art and next step;

Meeting with Interested Parties - 28 May 2019

  • Presentations
    Brexit update
    ASMF Worksharing
    EFPIA - ePI development of key-principles
    Medicines for Europe Presentation

Meeting with Interested Parties - 13 November 2018

  • Presentations
    Joint Industry presentation
    Use of variation worksharing
    CEP update
    Brexit update

Meeting with Interested Parties - 29 May 2018

  • Presentations
    CMDh - Parallel national MA Application
    CMDh - Worksharing compliance
    Medicines for Europe - Worksharing procedure variations
    Medicines for Europe Presentation
    Joint IPs Presentation - Support and Concerns for EUISO IDMP/ SPOR
    Medicines for Europe - Annex 2 to Excipients in labelling and package leaflet of medicinal products for human use
    AESGP - PSUSA outcomes

Meeting with Interested Parties - 7 November 2017

  • Presentations
    Medicine for Europe Presentation
    Medicines for Europe - QP Intermediates
    Colours in medicines
    EFPIA - Survey underlines the importance of action on medicines to prevent patients being put at risk as a result of Brexit
    EU eSubmission Roadmap

Meeting with Interested Parties - 16 May 2017

  • Presentations
    Agreeing the product name during DCP
    BREXIT preparations
    EFPIA - Implementation of falsified medicined directive
    Medicines for Europe Presentation
    Availability of paediatric medicines
    Publication of CMDh feedback given to queries
    eSubmissions update

Meeting with Interested Parties - 8 November 2016

  • Presentations
    EFPIA - Article 57 database
    Administrative simplification
    AESGP - Analysis of the Questionnaires on authorisation & registration of herbals in the EU/ MRP and DCP
    Medicines for Europe
    AESGP - Analysis of the Responses on the Questionnaire on API- MIX

Meeting with Interested Parties on MRP/DCP Improvements - 7 November 2016

  • Presentations
    AESGP - Pilot on Merging and Splitting of MRP/DCPs
    Worksharing DCP
    MRP and RUP timetable
    Medicines for Europe - DCP improvement

Meeting with Interested Parties on MRP/DCP Improvements - 23 May 2016

  • Presentations
    Pilot on Merging and Splitting of MRP/DCPs
    Updates of SOP on DCP
    Repeat-use procedures
    Medicines for Europe - DCP improvement
    EFPIA - MRP and national licenses

CMDh meeting with Interested Parties - 24 May 2016

  • Presentations
    CMDh strategy to 2020 and CMDh workplan
    EFPIA - Extended Environmental Risk Assessment scheme
    Paediatric issues
    Electronic Submissions
    AESGP - API mixtures
    Medicines for Europe

Meeting with Interested Parties on MRP/DCP Improvements - 16 November 2015

  • Presentations
    EGA - Presentation on improvement of DCP
    EGA - Proposal for merging
    Change of future MAH
    Managing the clockstop
    HMA Taskforce on adherence to timetables
    Merging and splitting
    Q&A on QP declaration
    Worksharing DCP

CMDh meeting with Interested Parties - 17 November 2015

  • Presentations
    EFPIA - Regulatory Pathways - 2D barcodes and Tamper Evident Seals or 'Anti-tampering Device'
    EGA - Presentation
    CMDh Strategy
    PSUR repository
    Regulatory non-compliance
    Variations worksharing

Meeting with Interested Parties on DCP/MRP Improvements - 18 May 2015

  • Minutes
  • Presentations
    AESGP - Split procedures. An OTC industry perspective
    AESGP - Results of the Survey on MRP-DCP for non-prescription medicines
    EFPIA - Change of Marketing Authorisation Holder (MAH) during MRP/DCP
    EFPIA -
    EGA - Presentation

CMDh meeting with Interested Parties - 19 May 2015

  • Presentations
    AESGP - Harmonised implementation of risk minimisation measures in the context of the referral procedures

    AESGP - Variation classification of regular updates of SmPC and PIL as regards adverse effects
    EFPIA - Type IA variation label implementation guidance
    EGA - Presentation
    EFPIA - Further use of sRUP (Simplified Repeat Use Procedure) in Croatia
    AESGP - Q&A on API-mixtures. An unresolved regulatory problem

CMDh meeting with Interested Parties - 18 November 2014

  • Presentations
    EFPIA - Challenges with national WS procedures
    EGA - Presentation and Position paper on API Supply chain
    EUCOPE - Signal detection procedures and Implementation of the EC Decision or CMDh agreement (Article 31 or 107i)

Meeting with Interested Parties on ASMF - 18 November 2014

  • Presentations
    APIC - ASMF Procedures
    EFPIA - Presentation
    Submision Criteria for ASMF
    Feedback on the ASMF-AR worksharing pilot phase and future plans
    How to deal with ASMF updates

Meeting with Interested Parties on DCP/MRP Improvements - 17 November 2014

  • Presentations
    AESGP - Escher Project
    EGA - Presentation

Meeting with Interested Parties - 20 May 2014

  • Minutes
  • Presentations
    AESGP - Implementation of referral outcomes
    EFPIA - CMDh Position Paper on QR codes
    EFPIA - Multi-MAH complexity on implementation of PRAC measures
    EFPIA - Raising public health concerns after first round of questions
    EFPIA - Update on the pilot on work-sharing procedures for ASMF assessment
    EGA - Presentation to IP meeting
    EUCOPE - Experience from translation processes for referrals and signal detection procedures
    CMDh Position Paper on QR codes
    New applications - Need for core RMP

Meeting with Interested Parties on DCP/MRP improvements - 19 May 2014

  • Minutes
  • Presentations
    Joint Interested Parties presentation
    Response from CMDh to questions raised in November 2013
    Validation - template for setting day -14
    National phase
    National implementation in NL
    Variations and Renewals

Meeting with Interested Parties - 18 November 2013

  • Minutes[tracked]
  • Presentations
    Managing the DCP Clockstop
    Responses from CMDh to proposals from Industry
    Electronic submissions - RMS technical validation and the Roadmap

Meeting with Interested Parties on DCP/MRP improvements - 27 May 2013

  • Presentations
    Managing the Clock-stop
    National phase

Meeting with Interested Parties - 27 May 2013

  • Minutes
  • Presentations
    ASMF Worksharing pilot phase

Meeting with Interested Parties on DCP/MRP Improvements - 12 November 2012

Meeting with Interested Parties - 12 November 2012

Cmdh slot request form sss
  • Presentations
  • Presentations
    Item 2 - Best Practice Guide on the submission of Quality translations
    Item 3 - Implementation of Variations: Availability of the latest info for patients/users
    Item 4 - Packaging for small volume medicinal products

Meeting with Interested Parties - 14 November 2011

  • Presentations
  • Item 2 – Revision of CMDh automatic validation of MR/Repeat use/DC Procedures (AESGP Comments)
    Item 2 – Open consultation on technical validation (SE)

    Item 3 – Implementation of the outcome of the Paediatric Worksharing (AT)

    Item 5 – Transfer of Chapter 7 from EC to CMDh (EMA)

    Item 6 – Presentation on the status of the ASMF-project as at November 2011

Cmdh Slot Request Form Sss

Meeting with Interested Parties on the Self-Medication Project - 20 June 2011

  • Presentations
    Item 1 Introductory slides (UK)
    Item 2 Specific MRP-DCP issues for the licensing of OTC medicines (AESGP)
    Item 3 Industry-led items in the Self-Medication project work plan (AESGP)
  • Presentations
    Item 2 Improvement of DCP (EGA)
    Item 2 Improvement of DCP (AESGP)
    Item 3 Slot booking and cancellation (EGA)
    Item 3 Slot booking and cancellation (FR)
    Item 3 Slot booking and cancellation (AESGP)
    Item 4 National translation - national phase (AESGP)
    Item 4 National Translation - national phase (EGA)
    Item 5 DDPS declaration form (NL)
    Item 7 Purely national procedures (AESGP)

Cmdh Slot Request Form Template

Meeting with Interested Parties - 15th November 2010

  • Presentations
    Item 2 CMDh contribution to TF on ressources (AESGP)
    Item 2 CMDh contribution to TF on ressources (EFPIA)
    Item 2 CMDh contribution to TF on ressources (EGA)
    Item 2 CMDh Timeslot survey (AESGP)
    Item 3 Variations (EFPIA)
    Item 3 Variations (EGA)
    Item 3 Variations (CMDh)
    Item 4 Practical elements for harmonisation after Art.30 referral procedure (EFPIA)
    Item 4 Practical elements for harmonisation after Art.30 referral procedure (EGA)
    Item 5 ASMF (EGA)
    Item 5 ASMF (CMDh)
    Item 6 National switch in EU procedure (AESGP)
    Item 7 Survey on CPPs (AESGP)

Meeting with Interested Parties on Paediatric Regulation - 20th September 2010

  • Presentations
    Item 2 Article 45 Worksharing (EFPIA)
    Item 2 Article 45 Worksharing (EGA)
    Item 2 Article 45 Worksharing (CMDh)
    Item 3 Article 46 Worksharing (EFPIA)
    Item 3 Article 46 Worksharing (EGA)
    Item 3 Article 46 Worksharing (CMDh)
    Item 4 Article 29 of Paediatric Regulation (EFPIA)
    Item 4 Article 29 of Paediatric Regulation (EGA)
    Item 4 Article 29 of Paediatric Regulation (CMDh)
  • Minutes (September 2010)
  • Presentations
    Item 2 Ressources (AESGP)
    Item 2 Ressources (EFPIA)
    Item 2 Ressources (EGA)
    Item 2 Ressources (CMDh)
    Item 3 DCP clock-stop (AESGP)
    Item 3 DCP clock-stop (CMDh)
    Item 4 Variation Regulation (EFPIA)
    Item 4 Variation Regulation (EGA)
    Item 4 Variation Regulation (CMDh)
    Item 6 Article 30 Harmonisation (EFPIA)
    Item 6 Article 45-46 Paediatric workshares (EFPIA)
    Item 6 Type IA implementation (EFPIA)
    Item 6 Survey 2010 (EGA)
  • Item 6 Issues encountered with Type IA implementation (AESGP)

Meeting with Interested Parties - 16th November 2009

  • Presentations
    Items 2 to 5 (EFPIA)
    Item 2 Resources (EGA)
    Item 2 Resources (CMDh)
    Item 3 Electronic submissions (EGA)
    Item 3 Electronic submissions (CMDh)
    Item 4 Variations (EGA)
    Item 4 Variations (CMDh)
    Item 5 SOP on DCP (EGA)
    Item 5 SOP on DCP (CMDh)

Meeting with Interested Parties on Paediatric Regulation - 21st September 2009

Meeting with Interested Parties - 16th December 2008

Cmdh Slot Request Form 9465

Meeting with Interested Parties - 12th November 2007

Meeting with EGA on Worksharing for patient consultation - 19th June 2007

Meeting with Interested Parties - 13th November 2006

Request for Marketing Authorisation Holders to assess the risk of occurrence of contamination with mesilate esters and related compounds in pharmaceuticals (this information should always be submitted with new applications).

Removal of Booking Change Request

As announced on 20 October 2020 Link to announcement

With effect from 23 October (Fri), we will no longer be accepting request of changes to your bookings. The intention of facilitating a Booking Change Request for the past months is to allow climbers some time to adapt to the online booking system and lifestyle changes post Circuit Breaker. All requests for changes submitted before 22 October (Thu), 23:59 will be processed and followed up with accordingly.

Moving forward, if you have made an incorrect booking or have a change in plans, please cancel your booking before making a new booking online. Here are the various ways you can choose to make the cancellation:

On the website:

You can submit a Cancellation Request Form online (12 hours prior to your booking time slot). It will take at least 1 working day for the request to be processed and you will receive a booking cancellation email.

For the ones that have created online profiles and logged in, you can now use the “Cancel booking” button (12 hours prior to your booking time slot) under “My Recent Online Bookings” and a cancellation email will be sent to you once it has been processed.

Cmdh Slot Request Forms

On the RGPro Connect App:

If you have downloaded the RGPro Connect App and made a booking via the app, you can now use the “Cancel booking” button (12 hours prior to your booking time slot) under “My Recent Online Bookings” to cancel your booking. A cancellation email will be sent to you once it has been processed. Do note that booking records on the app may reflect bookings you have made via the app only. If the booking you would like to cancel is not reflected on the app, you can submit a Cancellation Request Form here.

A reminder that each climber can book one confirmed climbing slot per day. Late cancellations/ double bookings/ no-shows will be subjected to penalties.