Agp Pro Slot

The Radeon 9800 Pro is an AGP 8x card compatible with AGP 2x and 4xslots. It was a build-to-order for the 2003Power Mac G5, 2004 Power Mac G5, and2005 Power Mac G5. Apple's version of thecard included 256 MB of RAM.
- I think the AGP pro slot is there to support some super high end commercial boards which I think run different voltage/current loads. An AGP pro seems to be backwards compatible as I have seen many.
- Note: All retail channel High Power AGP Pro cards must use the 3-slot wide I/O bracket. AGP Pro card vendors may have OEM specific solutions that do not require this bracket. Also, a chassis that supports an AGP Pro connector on the motherboard must be able to accept a High Power AGP Pro card equipped with up to a three wide I/O bracket.
Flashed AGP 8x video cards are not compatible with theMystic/Gigabit Ethernet, Digital Audio, Cube, Quicksilver, and MirrorDrive Door Power Mac G4 without modification. As explained by The Mac Elite, Appleuses pins 3 and 11 on the back of the card to power ADC monitors. Thesepins must be disabled or your Mac will not boot with the cardinstalled. Full details and instructions are on the Mac Elitewebsite.

I'm interested in a video card to have two monitors for my one computer and to help with playing mpeg-2 videos and DVD files from the hard drive and DVD drive and working with video editing and photos and video capture. My DVD drives are on DMA yet I had some MPEG2 video play from the hard drive.
This video card requires more power than the AGP slot provides, soyou will need to tap power from your Power Mac's power supply, whichmay require a power splitter.
ATI's version of the card shipped with 128 MB of RAM, 256 MB in theSpecial Edition.
Benchmarks published by Bare Feats show theRadeon 9800 has about twice the frame rate of the Radeon 9600.
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Agp Pro Slot
- GPU speed: 380/400 MHz
- Video memory: 128/256 MB
- Memory speed: 680 MHz
- Memory bus: 256 bits
- Resolutions: 640 x 480 to 2048 x 1536
- Ports: DVI-I and ADC on Apple version; DVI-I, VGA, and S-video onATI version
- Dual monitor support: yes
- Cooling fan: yes
- Minimum OS: Mac OS X 10.2.5
- Compatible with: Sawtooth, Gigabit Ethernet, Digital Audio, Quicksilver, Quicksilver 2002, Mirrored Drive Doors, FireWire 800, Power Mac G5 models with AGP(excludes Power Mac G5 Dual and G5 Quad, which use PCIe)
Agp Pro Slot Poker
Online Resources
- ATIRadeon 9800 Pro Mac Edition, ATI
- ATI Radeon 9800Pro, Inside Mac Games, 2003.09.18
- ATI Radeon 9800 Pro, MacUser UK, 2004.02
- PC CardConversion to Mac: ATI Radeon 9800 Pro, Thomas Perrier. How toflash the PC version for use in a Mac.
Agp Pro Slot Wins
- ATI Radeon 9800Pro: Killer Graphics for the Rest of Us?, Bare Feats, 2003.07.17.AGP Radeon 9700 and 9800 in Mac and PC vs. Radeon 9000 and GeForce 4Titanium in Mac. 'The first thing I noticed is that the Radeon 9800Pro Mac Edition (or 'ME') is no faster than the 9700 ME.'
- The ATI Radeon9800 Pro Special 256MB Mac Edition versus Other Radeon GraphicsCards, Bare Feats, 2004.06.09. Various versions of 9800 vs. Radeon9600 and GeForce 5200.
- Shootout: FiveGraphics Cards on One G5/2.7, Bare Feats, 2005.05.05. The Radeon9800 SE benchmarks quite a bit better than the 9600 XT, but well behindthe Radeon X800 XT and GeForce 6800 UL.
- Question: Can YouUpgrade a G4 Power Mac To Go as Fast as a G5 Power Mac?, Bare Feats,2005.09.22. Short answer: No, and with dual 800 MHz G4 CPUs, there'slittle difference between the Radeon 9600 and 9800. But put in dual2.0 GHz CPUs, and the 9800 easily runs ahead of the 9600.